Samantha Humphreys

Art, Photography, Inspiration & Education

Tag: selfie


The power of three tryptich2

Forever Portrait


Before we had the technology that we enjoy today, art was used as a way to shape the perceived identity of those who ruled. In the time before photography, camera phones and celebrity imagery, leaders commissioned paintings and sculptures of themselves as a way to communicate a powerful image of themselves. It was a false representation but it was necessary to encourage and maintain the public’s confidence in them.

In today’s world we create an infinite self-portrait when we update our online status, forever commenting upon our evolving identities.

What Am I Like?

romestatusLike the Emperors and leaders of past times, we like to project a carefully constructed identity to our public rather than our real self. Only now, we can all do it, we don’t need to commission an artist to do the job for us. We use the tools available to us and we carefully sculpt out the self portrait we want to project.

Forever Portrait


I’m interested in how we present ourselves online, our status updates paint a portrait of ourselves in a way that we can’t do in real life. One statement can shape how we are perceived as it blows one small aspect of our being out of all proportion. On your profile page, the only thing they see is your status and not the other details that contribute to who we are.




I have been investigating the trend in our culture today which requires us to be photo ready and the self obsession this brings with it. Perceived realities are getting somewhat confused with the realities we are likely to experience, as society is influenced by and taking inspiration from sources such as celebrity culture and reality television instead of learning to be true to themselves.
My selfie represents a moment of reflection, breath of reality,  a rare half a second of solitude in a society in which we are put under constant pressure to be perfect.
