Samantha Humphreys

Art, Photography, Inspiration & Education

Month: July, 2013


Rare Summer in Essex



All The Time

All The Time by Samantha Humphreys
I am Very proud that Mark Owen has selected me as a runner up for my recent submission to his design brief on Talenthouse
My piece was inspired by recent projects and my general outlook on life.

For the majority of us, a satisfied life consists of constant deadlines, constraints, rules, boundaries and a general acceptance that life, sometimes isn’t fair. However we choose to live our lives, we must take time to breath and appreciate what we have and focus on the positive. We must teach this to our children.

I was Inspired by a quote I was given on a 21st birthday card, in 1993

” As you walk through the garden of life, don’t forget to stop and smell the roses”

I have since lived by that advice.